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Production company and film title 

After deciding that ‘Cliff Edge Productions’ was going to be our film company, I researched into various different logos and production companies. Touchstone Productions, Paramount, Bad Robot and Universal are a few examples of where an image is used as background visual for their production names. Because of this, I decided that we could incorporate the idea of visual imagery into our production logo. To mirror the idea of a cliffs edge, I decided that a mountain would be an appropriate idea to match our production company name. After finding a simple, effective design I added the name over the image and produced this:

However, both my partner and I thought that this particular design appeared too informal and unprofessional. The ‘clip-art like’ effect would not complement our film and may lead our audiences to make negative initial assumptions about the context and nature of our film. Because of this, we decided that a certain aspect of artistic flare needed to be added in order to increase our overall professional aesthetic. So, this design was produced:  

I uploaded this production company logo to iMovie and found that upon enlarging it the image becomes heavily pixelated. As the audience will be viewing our project on a big screen, this pixilated picture would not work. So, I went back to basics and tried multiple ways of editing the mountain picture, in an attempt to create a fine cut copy; all of my ideas failed and I was forced to think of something else. iMovie has a selection of pre-made title animations that we could have picked to use, but none of them fit with our film. We received advice from our Media teacher and he suggested creating a separate title sequence on Final Cut Pro and then exporting it, only to import it onto iMovie- adding it to the rest of our 2 minute opening.

Final Cut Pro has a much diverse and larger collection of title animations, and from said collection I chose one design that I thought would work well for our film. Our final production company title will be presented like this:

Film Title

For more information on why Katie and I decided this font would be most appropriate, please see my section dedicated to typeface/font research in the research area of my blog. For information about the choice of film name, please visit my mood board section located in the planning section.

This is our finished film name that will be appearing in my 2 minute project:

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