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Skyfall Title Sequence

The sequence of names appearing in the Skyfall title sequence can be seen in the list displayed on the left. The production company is nearly always first to appear to be displayed to the audience. James Bond is a franchise solely based around a single main character accompanied with supporting roles, so for Daniel Craig’s name and role to appear next is logical. As the role for Bond changes frequently, it has become an interest for the public to know who has taken on the famous 007 status; possibly explaining why Craig’s name was displayed second in the titles. It is also mandatory for the film to state that they used material from Fleming’s novel therefore stating that all their ideas are not original, but they have the license for James Bond’s character. The title ‘Skyfall’ appears next with a quick transition into the rest of the major cast. A pause takes place between the appearance of the cast, production teams and designers as visual effects govern the screen (I will make reference to this later). All of the titles appear with a ‘quick fade in’; the ‘Skyfall’ title expands ever so slightly on the screen making it appear bigger and even more eye-catching to the audience.

Adele- Skyfall single

The soundtrack and titles appear to be unrelated until the cast list starts to be shown on screen, the appearance of each name matches with each beat of a piano chord adding flow and continuity to the titles reveal.

Visual effects

The common audience would view the visuals of the ‘Skyfall’ title sequence as random, interesting and strange. But if you look closer and match it with the plot of the film, the titles do in fact sum up the entire film in a matter of a few minutes. This was a clever way of introducing the audience to the story and adds clues on what to expect. Not only this, but the sequence also gives the audience a hint of the places Bond will be visiting (for example the manor) and clearly shows the action that will be a recurring theme throughout the film. In my opinion, the Skyfall opening titles are a perfect introduction into the film; giving a slight insight into the plot, emotional feel and location. The Bond filming production are well known for making interesting and engaging title sequences which create mystery within the audience.

Taken away from the action at hand

We must also take into account that the titles do not appear over the film itself, separate visual effects are constructed purely for the title sequence. This takes the audience away from the film and relaxes them after seeing the intense opening scenes.

The Skyfall Title Sequence is a great example of where complex, interesting visual effects are used to intrigue the audience and prepare them for the rest of the film.

It should also be taken into consideration that the order of titles displayed in the modern Daniel Craig Bond films are all the same as can be seen in the videos below.




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